So I got dragged into this blogging nonsense over a year ago. I just checked and it was my blogs first birthday on Monday so its kind of nice now that this is my 100th post.
My first blog was rather shite, it consisted of two whole sentences and it was me basically having a rant from the start.
To be fair I didnt really get into the whole thing, until I put it on my New Year's resolutions list, to try and do over 20 blog posts per month. Last year was a pretty bad performance by me. I only managed to write 2 posts in both June & July. I dont do the whole draft blog thing, I write what comes into my head and throw it out there without proof reading it, so if their are typos and shit, well tough.
I have wrote some blogs that I do quite like though, among a number of poor ones (trying to get this right, stay with me). Here is my five favourite posts I have written, go have a look!
Thanks for anyone who has read my blog, here is some comments from you that made me laugh.
Anthony said...
At the rate they get kidnapped, I'm kinda thinking the princesses are complicit. Conspiracy storylines in Mario may not work though.
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Anonymous said...
I love a good communist party!
(in reference to
Maxi Cane said...
As soon as you do a search for a web domain it automatically gets registered.
Congrats, you've taken the greatest domain name off the market.
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Abby_is_FUBAR said...
BAH HA HA HA 'Buxom Women' I'm sorry but that statement alone is funny as shit....
...I'm still laughing