Everyone remembers this little shit, its Kevin Arnold from the Wonder Years. You know that show, theme music Little help from my friends, a brother who beats him up, a sister who is the town bike and a best mate who as urban legend has it is now Marilyn Manson. So this show is basically narrated by an older more cynical Kevin who looks back on his time trying to get in Winnie Coppers pants.
I ended up watching the whole first series on youtube a few weeks back. In the pilot kevin explains that his school has just been renamed after Robert Kennedy due to someone sticking a cap in his ass and Winnies brother has just got blown up in Vietnam. Anyway this back and forth shit with Kevin and Wendy went on for five seasons. In the epilogue of the final episode, it is revealed that Winnie goes on to study art history in Paris. Kevin and Winnie write a letter to each other every week for eight years until she returns. Despite their long romance, by the time Winnie returns to the US in 1982 Kevin is married to someone else. NOW THATS BULLSHIT!
Anyway that bloke has basically disappeared off the planet. Apart from Wonder Years the only other thing I remember him being in was The Wizard. That was one of those films that was so bad it was good. I just looked for a movie poster for that film and its 50 damn quid. It did introduce us to Mario Brothers 3 and the nintendo power glove. Just goes to show how Nintendo ruled the world in the late 80s early 90s. They made a film just to promote a game. Mario went from strength to strength by powering up with mushrooms maybe Kevin or Fred Savage as he's called now should have done the same.
He's done a fair bit of tv shows and do you remember him on Austin Powers GoldMember as the guy with a mole on his lip?
Winnie is still hot - saw her in something recently too
yeah we'd all like a bit of Winnie
Danica McKellar. Nice.
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