Was crawling around the web looking for a good picture of George Best to use for Friday photo and stumbled upon this. MAry Stavin & Georgie had some records out in the 80s to cash in on the get fit vibe that fell across the nation apparently. I think its hilarious. And if girls at my gym looked like Mary I might go more.
Just googled her and she is a former Miss world. Well nothing but the best for our George and if that wasnt enough she was a Bond girl in not one but two Bond movies Octopussy and A view to a kill. And yes Georgie did get his leg over, what a man!
Ooh what a hottie. And she's not bad either.
Wasn't he arrested in an LA bathroom for getting his Willy out?
Oh shit wrong George lol my bad
Eww...to both...far too obviously good looking..
She is WELL fit!
He wasn't ugly either -shame the way he ended up mind
"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." A legend
@Abby: I cant believe you got George Michael confused with George Best, if you come to Ireland you will be beaten with a stick.
@Daily DD: Im in the good looking club too, dont hate the game.
@Toners: I remember that video you had of him on your site when he died. It was brillant.
Should I just hate the playa?
im already beating myself....its quite painful.
@DD - I quite like calling you DD and you shouldnt hate anyone apart from people on the 13A bus.
@Ana - You deserve it
You can call me that. I'll allow it...
I'll hate them on your recommendation..I've never met them, like...
You fukcing ignored me! I'm sulking now.
@EnglishMum - there both very hot, happy now!
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