Thursday, 26 February 2009

Irish Blogger gets slammed by Ryanair reported on!

Just seen this on, Jason thought he had found a glitch in the Ryanair system and wrote a blog on it and then some Ryanair staff came on and gave him some grief (nothing new there). CNN confirmed that the comments had come from Ryanair and when they rang to question Ryanair about it they got an earful too.

Gotta love the Ryanair policy "Get on the plane and shut the fuck up"

I think this is my third blog on Ryanair.

Id give my right nut to get on the cover of Wired magazine, getting an article written on there website about you is pretty cool too. See the links below. Oh and TOners was the first to comment on Jasons blog, KING OF THE NERDS!


Anonymous said...

"Id give my right nut to get on the cover of Wired magazine, getting an article written on there website about you is pretty cool too."

Before giving up your nut to be on a magazine cover, learn proper grammar.

The words are "I'd" and "their".

PaddyInEngland said...

hey anonymous, you can suck my left one its still there!

Anonymous said...

Lol. Knew you'd pick up on that alright. The story has been everywhere.

PaddyInEngland said...

@Toners - yeah great stuff, Ryanair are hilarious. Then again just came back from Newcastle with Flybe and there planes are tiny, bit of a bumpy ride!